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accessCodeAccess code 
Type: [String]
accessTypeAccess code type. 
Type: [String] 
Values: group, promotion, corporate, channelAccessCode
accessTypeAccess code type. 
Type: [String]
additionalAdultsSpecifies additional adult counts for pricing. 
Type: [String]
additionalChildrenSpecifies additional children counts for pricing. 
Type: [String]
adultsNumber of adults staying in the room. 
Type: Integer 
agentIdID associated to an agent 
Type: String
agentTypeAgent Type 
Type: String 
Values: Booker, IATA, ChainAgent
brandIDUnique number identifies a specific brand in SynXis CR. 
Type: Integer
chainIdUnique ID that identifies hotel chain or management group in SynXis 
Type: Integer 
childrenNumber of children staying in the room. 
Type: Integer
childrenAgeAges of children 
Type: Integer
contentSpecifies if limited or full content should be returned. If full, the response contains a contentList node. 
Type: String 
Values: full, none
couponCodeCode associated with a coupon or offer 
Type: [String]
croIdSynXis CR ID for a Central Reservation Office (CRO) 
Type: String
endDateEnd date for requesting availability 
Type: String 
Format: yyyy-mm-dd 
hotelIdID that uniquely identifies a single hotel property in SynXis CR 
Type: Integer
numRoomsNumber of rooms requested 
Type: Integer 
primaryChannelSynXis CR booking channel code (use for content customization) 
Type: String 
secondaryChannelSynXis CR booking channel code (use for content customization) 
Type: String 
startDateStart date for requesting availability 
Type: String 
Format: yyyy-mm-dd 