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Create Reservation

This operation allows you to create a new reservation(s) or modify an existing one(s) in a single request. When creating a reservation one or more IDs will be assigned to the reservation which later is used to identify the reservation during a modification. The response includes the confirmation numbers.

The Reservation APIs support multiple steps in the reservation process where a reservation can be created and updated a number of times with different data elements before the final confirmation. For example, a reservation can be initially created with stay criteria and status=booked, then updated to include non-room products or price overrides and maintain status=booked, then updated again to include guest information and payment information before finally being confirmed using status=confirmed.

REST Method/Endpoint


The required information is to create a reservation is:

  • Chain
  • Hotel
  • Product (Room and Rate)
  • Stay Dates
  • Booking Channel
  • Number of Guests
  • Number of Rooms
  • Status

Some statuses might require extra information, namely

  • Confirmed reservation requires a primary guest and/or a guarantee if the policy requires one.

Create Reservation Request

    "Chain": {
        "Id": 14161022
    "Channels": {
        "PrimaryChannel": {
            "Code": "WEB"
        "SecondaryChannel": {
            "Code": "WEB"
        "SubSourceCode": "KYK"
    "CommissionableAccountProfile": {
        "TravelIndustryId": "23493923"
    "CouponOffers": [{
        "Code": "CO3"
    "CRO": {
        "Id": 14161023
    "Guests": [{
        "Citizenships": [{
            "CountryCode": "US",
            "Primary": true
        "Comments": "This is a guest comment.",
        "ContactNumbers": [{
            "Code": "719",
            "Default": true,
            "Number": "555-2717",
            "Role": "Home",
            "SortOrder": 1,
            "Type": "Voice",
            "Use": "DayTimeContact"
        "DateOfBirth": "1985-05-18",
        "EmailAddress": [{
            "Type": "Primary",
            "Value": "",
            "Default": true
        }, {
            "Type": "Mobile",
            "Value": "",
            "Default": false
        "Gender": "Male",
        "Locations": [{
            "Address": {
                "AddressLine": ["123 Main St", "Appt. 201"],
                "City": "Denver",
                "Country": {
                    "Code": "US"
                "Default": true,
                "PostalCode": "80203",
                "StateProv": {
                    "Code": "CO"
                "Type": "Home"
            "Name": "Home Address"
        "MarketingOptIn": true,
        "Payments": [{
            "Amount": "50",
            "PaymentCard": {
                "CardCode": "VI",
                "CardHolder": "John Public",
                "CardNumber": "444444444444444",
                "CardSecurityCode": "123",
                "ExpireDate": "1225"
            "Type": "CreditCard"
        "PersonName": {
            "GivenName": "John",
            "MiddleName": "A",
            "Prefix": "Mr.",
            "Suffix": "Jr.",
            "Surname": "Public",
            "PreferredGivenName": "James",
            "PreferredSurname": "Smith"
        "Role": "Primary",
        "SpokenLanguages": [{
            "Code": "en",
            "Default": true
        "TravelDocuments": [{
            "Type": "MilitaryIdentification",
            "HolderName": "John Public",
            "Number": "2999-9285820-874",
            "IssuingAuthority": "DOJ",
            "PlaceOfIssue": "Houston, TX"
    }, {
        "Citizenships": [{
            "CountryCode": "US",
            "Primary": true
        "Comments": "This is a guest comment for guest #2.",
        "ContactNumbers": [{
            "Code": "719",
            "Default": true,
            "Number": "555-2777",
            "Role": "Home",
            "SortOrder": 1,
            "Type": "Voice",
            "Use": "DayTimeContact"
        "DateOfBirth": "1986-07-22",
        "EmailAddress": [{
            "Type": "Primary",
            "Value": "",
            "Default": true
        "Gender": "Female",
        "MarketingOptIn": true,
        "PersonName": {
            "GivenName": "Jane",
            "MiddleName": "J",
            "Prefix": "Mrs.",
            "Surname": "Public",
            "PreferredGivenName": "Janee",
            "PreferredSurname": "Johnson"
        "Role": "Additional",
        "TravelDocuments": [{
            "Type": "DriversLicense",
            "HolderName": "Jane Public",
            "Number": "93-25-9461",
            "IssuingAuthority": "Colorado",
            "PlaceOfIssue": "Denver, TX"
    "Hotel": {
        "Id": 100319
    "LoyaltyMemberships": [{
        "Level": {
            "Code": "Gold"
        "MembershipID": "MY790887688",
        "ProgramID": "MyLoyalty",
        "Source": "Selected"
    "MarketSegment": {
        "code": "LEISURE"
    "MarketSource": {
        "code": "REFERRAL"
    "Notification": {
        "AdditionalEmailAddresses": [""],
        "SendBookerEmail": false,
        "SendGuestEmail": true,
        "FromEmailAddress": "",
        "LanguageCode": "en-US",
        "EmailTemplate": {
            "Code": "NoPoints",
            "Level": "Hotel"
        "DeliveryComments": [{
            "Comment": "This is a reservation Comment"
        "PublicComment": "Email comments for the guest."
    "Overrides": [{
        "Type": "GuaranteePolicyOverride",
        "Comment": "Honeymoon"
    }, {
        "Type": "PriceOverride",
        "Comment": "Supervisor Override"
    "Packages": [{
        "Code": "SPA",
        "Date": "2023-06-07",
        "Quantity": 1,
        "GuestCount": [{
            "AgeQualifyingCode": "Adult",
            "NumGuests": 1
    "Promotion": {
        "AccessKey": {
            "Password": "PROMO3"
        "Type": "Promotion"
    "PurposeOfStay": "Leisure",
    "RoomRequests": [{
        "Code": 50256
    }, {
        "Code": "BREAK"
    "RoomStay": {
        "StartDate": "2023-06-07",
        "EndDate": "2023-06-08",
        "GuestCount": [{
            "AgeQualifyingCode": "Adult",
            "NumGuests": 2
        }, {
            "AgeQualifyingCode": "Child",
            "NumGuests": 2,
            "Ages": [4, 6]
        "NumRooms": 1,
        "Products": [{
            "Primary": true,
            "Product": {
                "RateCode": "Dev Studio",
                "RoomCode": "LUXQ"
    "Source": {
        "IP_Address": "",
        "BookingURL": "",
        "Telephony": {
            "VDN": "VDN1234"
    "Transporation": {
        "EstimatedCheckInTime": "12:30 PM",
        "EstimatedCheckOutTime": "2:30 PM",
        "Details": [{
            "TransferRequest": {
                "Code": "TC1",
                "Type": "Arrival",
                "Chargeable": true,
                "RequiresArrangement": true,
                "Time": "1PM",
                "Mode": "Limo"
            "Airline": {
                "Code": "AA",
                "FlightNumber": "1597"
            "Location": {
                "Code": "COS",
                "Type": "Airport"
        }, {
            "TransferRequest": {
                "Code": "TC1",
                "Type": "Departure",
                "Chargeable": true,
                "RequiresArrangement": true,
                "Time": "7AM",
                "Mode": "Limo"
            "Airline": {
                "Code": "AA",
                "FlightNumber": "1598"
            "Location": {
                "Code": "COS",
                "Type": "Airport"
    "Upgrade": {
        "Reason": {
            "Code": "UPGRD1"
        "RoomToCharge": {
            "Code": "LUXQ"
        "RoomToStay": {
            "Code": "SUITE"
    "status": "Confirmed"


Create Reservation Response

    "Links": {
        "href": "",
        "rel": "self"
    "reservations": [
            "CRS_confirmationNumber": "100319CK001122",
            "Id": "81d2800e-136f-47b8-abf6-c8fe96432ba7",
            "CrsConfirmationNumber": "100319CK001122",
            "ItineraryNumber": "14161022B0000802"