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Hotel Groups (Brands, Chains, CROs, Destinations)

Hotel Groups

Return a list of Brands, Chains, CROs and Destinations associated to the hotel

Sample Request

Use include=HotelGroups to return a list of brands, chains, CROs and destinations associated to a hotel.


Response (partial)

{ "contentLists": { "croList": [{ "Chain": { "Id": 12723 }, "Id": 14160760, "Name": "FTC2" }], "destinationList": [{ "Id": "14160638", "Code": "BEACH", "Name": "Beach Destinations" }], "chainList": [{ "Code": "MIDINN", "ID": 513699, "Name": "Middleton Inn Company" }, { "Code": "FAMORIM", "ID": 12723, "Name": "SynXis Test Chain" }] }, "hotelList": [{ "CROList": [{ "Id": 14160760 }], "ChainList": [{ "ID": 513699, "Primary": false }, { "ID": 12723, "Primary": true }], "DestinationList": [{ "Id": 14160638 }], "ID": "13098", "Name": "Amorim Hotel" }] }