What is it?
The Query Coupons API returns a list of active hotel and/or chain level coupons and related setup information.
Why use it?
Export/Import Coupon configuration information to a CRM or DWH.
How to use
Retrieve a list of Chain level Coupons - Include chainId in the RQ
[GET] /v1/api/admin/product/coupons?chainId=14106&primaryChannelCode=WEB
Retrieve a list of Hotel level Coupons - Include hotelId in the RQ
[GET] /v1/api/admin/product/coupons?hotelId=13098&primaryChannelCode=WEB
Retrieve a list of Hotel and Chain level Coupons - Include both chainId and hotelId in the RQ
[GET] /v1/api/admin/product/coupons?chainId=14106&hotelId=13098&primaryChannelCode=WEB
Retrieve coupons by one or more coupon codes - Include couponCode in the RQ
[GET] /v1/api/admin/product/coupons?chainId=14106&primaryChannelCode=WEB&couponCode=SAVE25,SAVE50
Sample Response: Multi-use Coupon
"CouponOfferList": [
"PricingRule": {
"Rule": "SimpleOffer",
"AppliesTo": "Reservationtotal",
"PriceAdjustment": -25.0,
"MinSpend": 0.0,
"PriceAdjustmentUnit": "Amount"
"ValidityRules": {
"ArrivalStartDate": "2022-01-06T00:00:00",
"ArrivalEndDate": "2022-04-30T00:00:00",
"BookingStartDate": "2022-01-06T00:00:00",
"BookingEndDate": "2022-05-30T00:00:00"
"Chain": {
"Id": 19923
"ChannelList": [
"Code": "WEB"
"ExclusionList": [
"CouponOfferCode": "Save50"
"CouponAccessList": [
"Code": "SAVE25",
"Consumed": false
"Code": "SAVE25",
"Name": "Save 25%",
"Description": "Enjoy your Summer and Save 25% off your stay with us!",
"Active": true,
"MultiUseCoupon": true,
"GroupRateApplicable": true,
"RoomUpsellAllowed": true,
"ReusableAfterCancellation": true,
"CombinedCouponsRestricted": false,
"SellLimit": 20
"ContentList": {
"HotelList": [],
"ChainList": [
"Code": "SABTC",
"ID": 19923,
"Name": "Sabre Hospitality Test Chain"
"ChannelList": [
"Code": "WEB",
"Name": "Booking Engine"
"Paging": {
"Size": 1,
"Start": 0,
"Total": 1
Sample Response: Single-use Coupon
"CouponOfferList": [
"PricingRule": {
"Assignment": {
"ValueList": [
"Code": "48HOURS"
"Type": "Rates"
"Rule": "CombinedOffer",
"AppliesTo": "Reservationtotal",
"PriceAdjustment": -25.0,
"PriceAdjustmentUnit": "Amount"
"ValidityRules": {
"ArrivalStartDate": "2022-01-01T00:00:00",
"ArrivalEndDate": "2022-12-31T00:00:00",
"BookingStartDate": "2022-01-01T00:00:00",
"BookingEndDate": "2022-12-31T00:00:00"
"Hotel": {
"Id": 13098
"ChannelList": [
"Code": "WEB"
"ExclusionList": [],
"CouponAccessList": [
"Code": "3444a38d728b41528726a5e65",
"Consumed": false
"Code": "216b54989f2141d2b66109ecc",
"Consumed": false
"Code": "364b274d20274b2aabe59febf",
"Consumed": false
"Code": "e5041e313b1a4d9faddd9aafd",
"Consumed": false
"Code": "87f637a3efc84a0499a9f8cb4",
"Consumed": false
"Code": "c2aedc877a0242dbb83c53cd6",
"Consumed": false
"Code": "938c3fc8e1cc43c3ba1c397da",
"Consumed": false
"Code": "9ac99318eb444a5cb1760cafc",
"Consumed": false
"Code": "e11771aeabce4686bd79d728d",
"Consumed": false
"Code": "47d70ce623d04751b30d7bba1",
"Consumed": false
"Code": "HAPPYBDAY",
"Name": "Single Use Coupon with 10 codes",
"Description": "Happy Birthday! Enjoy $25 off your next stay with us!",
"Active": true,
"MultiUseCoupon": false,
"GroupRateApplicable": false,
"RoomUpsellAllowed": false,
"ReusableAfterCancellation": false,
"CombinedCouponsRestricted": false,
"SellLimit": 0
"ContentList": {
"HotelList": [
"Code": "CRSPROD1",
"ID": 13098,
"Name": "Sabre Hospitality Test Hotel"
"RateList": [
"Code": "48HOURS",
"Name": "48 Hour Special"
"ChannelList": [
"Code": "WEB",
"Name": "Booking Engine"
"Paging": {
"Size": 1,
"Start": 0,
"Total": 1