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Rooming List Portal

The Rooming List API allows a user to create or change the portal password.

A Rooming List Portal is available for the group contact to upload and manage the group reservations. Portal passwords are set as part of the group configuration. This password along with the link to the portal will be provided to the group contact to enable their access.

Note: The Rooming List is an additional contracted service, please contact your account manager for more information.

The password can be retrieved from the Query Groups API.




Parameter List

idUnique number identifies a specific hotel in SynXisInteger
codeGroup rate codeString
passwordPassword assigned to access Rooming List Portal. 
Password Rules 
- Between 7 and 30 characters in length 
- Can contain A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and non-alphabetic like !, $, #, % 
- Cannot start with !, or ? 
- Cannot contain any <, &, space, tab, or other invisible characters 
- Passwords are case sensitive 
- Must contain at least three out of the following four character types: a capital letter, a lower letter, a number and a non-alphanumeric character.


Create/Update the Rooming List password


  "password": "Pa$$word321"