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Product Seasons

Product Seasons are date ranges for pricing that are created at the product level instead of the rate plan level.

Note: Derived rates are not supported.


Retrieve Product Seasons

Retrive Product Season for a specified hotel





Parameter List

idUnique number identifies a specific hotel in SynXis.Integer
channelsSynXis CR code for a reservation channelString
isActiveIf true, indicates that the search should only return active seasons.Boolean
rateCodeRate code associated with the productString
roomCodeRoom code associated with the productString
startDateStart date for the season (format yyyy-mm-dd)String
endDateEnd date for the season (format yyyy-mm-dd)String
pageStartStarting record to be returned in the response.Integer
pageSizeNumber of records to be returned in the response.Integer
sortSpecifies how the search results should be sorted. 
Values: StartDate, -StartDate


Sample Request

GET /v1/api/admin/hotel/13098/product/season/?rateCode=50PCTDISC&roomCode=SUPT

Sample Response

    "Paging": {
        "Size": 1,
        "Start": 0,
        "Total": 1
    "SeasonList": [
            "Pricing": {
                "Offsets": {
                    "DowList": [
                            "Price": {
                                "Amount": 46.0,
                                "Factor": "Amount"
                            "DayOfWeek": "M"
                    "MealPlanList": [
                            "DayOfWeek": "M",
                            "Code": "Breakfast"
                    "LosList": [
                            "Price": {
                                "Amount": 40.0,
                                "Factor": "Amount"
                            "Start": 5,
                            "End": 10
                    "OccupancyList": [
                            "Price": {
                                "Amount": 11.0,
                                "Factor": "Amount"
                            "AgeQualification": "Adult",
                            "DayOfWeek": "M",
                            "NumberOfOccupants": "1"
                            "Price": {
                                "Amount": 12.0,
                                "Factor": "Amount"
                            "AgeQualification": "Child",
                            "DayOfWeek": "M",
                            "NumberOfOccupants": "1"
                    "ShoulderList": [
                            "Price": {
                                "Amount": 10.0,
                                "Factor": "Amount"
                            "Type": "PreStay",
                            "Days": 5
                            "Price": {
                                "Amount": 20.0,
                                "Factor": "Amount"
                            "Type": "PostStay",
                            "Days": 10
                "Base": {
                    "Amount": 450.0
            "Name": "ProductSeason4",
            "Criteria": {
                "RateCode": "50PCTDISC",
                "RoomCode": "SUPT",
                "StartDate": "2023-11-20T00:00:00",
                "EndDate": "2023-11-29T00:00:00"


Create or Update Product Seasons

Create or Update Product Seasons for a specified hotel





Parameter List

idUnique number identifies a specific hotel in SynXis.Integer
criteria/rateCodeRate code associated with the productString
criteria/roomCodeRoom code associated with the productString
criteria/startDateStart date for the season (format yyyy-mm-dd)String
criteria/endDateEnd date for the season (format yyyy-mm-dd)String
nameName of the product season.String
cutoffDateDate that indicates the last day that the customer can book reservations through the Group Block. On the date entered in this field, the system releases all unreserved inventory back into general inventory. For example, if 10 rooms are allocated to the block, and only six of the rooms are booked, the remaining four rooms are placed back into general inventory at midnight on the Cutoff Date (format yyyy-mm-dd).String
cutoffDaysNumber of Days prior to each day in the season (Block date range) the unused committed inventory is to be returned to general inventory on a rolling daily basis. For example, if rooms are allocated for 2020-12-19 to 2020-12-31, and a cutoff day of 3 is entered, then the room inventory for 2020-12-19 is released on 2020-12-16, and the room inventory for 2020-12-20 is released on 2020-12-17, and so on.Integer
pricing/base/@amountBase price of the product season.Number
pricing/base/@taxesFeesIncludedIf true, indicates that taxes are included in the price.Boolean
pricing/base/@pointsBase number of points required for the product season.Integer
pricing/offsets/dowList/@dayOfWeekDays of the week. 
Values: M, Tu, W, Th, F, Sa, Su
pricing/offsets/dowList/price/@amountAmount of the price offset.Number
pricing/offsets/dowList/price/@pointsNumber of points required.Integer
pricing/offsets/dowList/price/@factorIndicates if the amount is a percentage of amount. 
Values: Amount, Percentage
pricing/offsets/occupancyList/@ageQualificationCode that determines the type of guest. 
Values: Adult, Child
pricing/offsets/occupancyList/@ageRangeChild age range offset.String
pricing/offsets/occupancyList/@dayOfWeekDays of the week. 
Values: M, Tu, W, Th, F, Sa, Su
pricing/offsets/occupancyList/@numberOfOccupantsNumber of occupants 
Values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Extra
pricing/offsets/occupancyList/price/@amountAmount of the price offset.Number
pricing/offsets/occupancyList/price/@pointsNumber of points required.Integer
pricing/offsets/occupancyList/price/@factorIndicates if the amount is a percentage of amount. 
Values: Amount, Percentage
pricing/offsets/losList/@startStart length of stay for the offset.Integer
pricing/offsets/losList/@endEnd length of stay for the offset.Integer
pricing/offsets/losList/price/@amountAmount of the price offset.Number
pricing/offsets/losList/price/@pointsNumber of points required.Integer
pricing/offsets/losList/price/@factorIndicates if the amount is a percentage of amount. 
Values: Amount, Percentage
pricing/offsets/mealPlanList/@dayOfWeekDays of the week. 
Values: M, Tu, W, Th, F, Sa, Su
pricing/offsets/mealPlanList/@codeMeal plan associated to the season.String
pricing/offsets/ShoulderList/@typeCode that determines the type of guest. 
Values: Adult, Child
pricing/offsets/ShoulderList/@daysOffset days for the shoulder.Integer
pricing/offsets/ShoulderList/price/@amountAmount of the price offset.Number
pricing/offsets/ShoulderList/price/@pointsNumber of points required.Integer
pricing/offsets/ShoulderList/price/@factorIndicates if the amount is a percentage of amount. 
Values: Amount, Percentage


Sample Request

    "seasons": [
            "criteria": {
                "rateCode": "50PCTDISC",
                "roomCode": "SUPT",
                "startDate": "2023-11-20",
                "endDate": "2023-11-29"
            "name": "ProductSeason",
            "cutOffDays": 3,
            "pricing": {
                "base": {
                    "amount": 450
                "offsets": {
                    "dowList": [
                            "dayOfWeek": "M",
                            "price": {
                                "amount": 46,
                                "factor": "Amount"
                    "occupancyList": [
                            "ageQualification": "Adult",
                            "dayOfWeek": "M",
                            "numberOfOccupants": 1,
                            "price": {
                                "amount": 11,
                                "factor": "Amount"
                            "ageQualification": "Child",
                            "dayOfWeek": "M",
                            "numberOfOccupants": 1,
                            "price": {
                                "amount": 12,
                                "factor": "Amount"
                    "losList": [
                            "start": 5,
                            "end": 10,
                            "price": {
                                "amount": 40,
                                "factor": "Amount"
                    "mealPlanList": [
                            "dayOfWeek": "M",
                            "code": "Breakfast"
                    "ShoulderList": [
                            "type": "PreStay",
                            "days": 5,
                            "price": {
                                "amount": 10,
                                "factor": "Amount"
                            "type": "PostStay",
                            "days": 10,
                            "price": {
                                "amount": 20,
                                "factor": "Amount"


Delete Product Seasons

Delete Product Seasons for a specified hotel





Parameter List

idUnique number identifies a specific hotel in SynXis.Integer
criteria/rateCodeRate code associated with the productString
criteria/roomCodeRoom code associated with the productString
criteria/startDateStart date for the season (format yyyy-mm-dd)String
criteria/endDateEnd date for the season (format yyyy-mm-dd)String


Sample Request

    "criteria": {
        "rateCode": "50PCTDISC",
        "roomCode": "SUPT",
        "startDate": "2023-03-24",
        "endDate": "2023-03-29"