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Room Category

Room Category

Search for specific rooms associated with a room category in the availability results.

roomCategoryCodeCode associated with a Room Category[String]
onlyCheckRequestedIf true, the system will only check for product availability based upon the requested parameters.Boolean


Sample Request - single room category

Include @content=full to return contentLists/RoomCategoryList and contentLists/RoomList.



Sample Request - multiple room categories



Successful Response (partial)

A successful response will return products that include a Room code associated to the requested Room Category. The contentLists node will include information about the Room Category and associated Room Codes.

    "contentLists": {
        "RoomCategoryList": [
                "Details": {
                    "Description": ""
                "CategoryCode": "DLX",
                "Name": "Room Category Deluxe"
        "RoomList": [
                "Details": {...},
                "CategoryCode": "DLX",
                "Code": "LUXQ",
                "Name": "Deluxe Room Queen Beds"
    "productAvailability": {...}