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Payment Methods

Payment Methods

Return a list of Payment Methods supported by the hotel

Sample Request

Use include=PaymentMethods to return Payment Methods supported by the hotel


Response (partial)

    "contentLists": {
        "paymentMethodList": [{
            "Code": "TA",
            "Name": "Travel agent",
            "Type": "TA",
            "Category": "Other"
        }, {
            "Code": "VI",
            "Name": "Visa",
            "Type": "VI",
            "Category": "CreditCard"
        }, {
            "Code": "MC",
            "Name": "Mastercard",
            "Type": "MC",
            "Category": "CreditCard"
        }, {
            "Code": "AX",
            "Name": "American Express",
            "Type": "AX",
            "Category": "CreditCard"
    "hotelList": [{
        "PaymentMethodList": [{
            "Code": "TA",
            "Deposit": true,
            "Guarantee": true,
            "InUse": true
        }, {
            "Code": "VI",
            "Deposit": true,
            "Guarantee": true,
            "InUse": true
        }, {
            "Code": "MC",
            "Deposit": true,
            "Guarantee": true,
            "InUse": true
        }, {
            "Code": "AX",
            "Deposit": true,
            "Guarantee": true,
            "InUse": true


Note: Translated content is not supported for Payment Methods.