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Release 10.27.3 | Aug, 2022 | Release Version 1.0


Booking Agent

Information about the person who made the booking on behalf of the guest is now supported.

BookingAgent/@EmailAddressEmail address of the booker.StringNo
BookingAgent/Shell/@GivenNameSpecifies the Given/First name of a booker.StringNo
BookingAgent/Shell/@LegalNameLegal name of the Booker.StringNo
BookingAgent/Shell/@PrefixSpecifies a prefix associated with the name of the booker.StringNo
BookingAgent/Shell/@SuffixSpecifies a suffix associated with the name of a booker.StringNo
BookingAgent/Shell/@SurnameSpecifies the Surname/Lastname of the booker.StringNo
BookingAgent/@IdA SynXis system generated unique number identifying the person who made a reservation.StringNo
BookingAgent/@TravelIndustryIdTravel Industry ID of a commissionable account.StringNo


  "reservations": [{
      "BookingAgent": {
          "EmailAddress": "",
          "PersonName": {
              "GivenName": "Booker",
              "LegalName": "Booker Legal Name.",
              "Prefix": "Mr.",
              "Suffix": "Jr.",
              "Surname": "Test"
          "Id": "C6E50D08-38BD-45CD-A201-C3C9B10B70BD",
          "TravelIndustryId": "30000024"


Booking Dues - No Show Amount

The GET reservation response includes a no show charge amount under BookingDues

BookingDues/NoShowCharge/@AmountSpecifies a fee that is paid in case a guest does not cancel their reservation and does not check in.NumberNo


  "reservations": [{
      "BookingDues": {
          "PayNow": false,
          "CancelPenalty": {...},
          "Deposit": {...},
          "NoShowCharge": {
              "Amount": 150


Booking Engine - Template and Shell

The SynXis booking engine shell and template codes used to create the reservation are now included.

BookingInfo/Shell/@CodeCode that identifies the SynXis Booking Engine shell.StringNo
BookingInfo/Template/@CodeCode that identifies the SynXis Booking Engine template.StringNo


  "reservations": [{
      "BookingInfo": {
          "BookedBy": "John Doe",
          "BookingDate": "2023-07-04T14:54:06",
          "EntryChannelBookingDate": "2023-07-04T14:54:06",
          "ModifiedBy": "John Smith",
          "Shell": {
              "Code": "SYS"
          "Template": {
              "Code": "default"


Booking Engine - Display Language

The language used by the guest during the booking process is supported in the reservation message.

LanguageContains information about the language the application displayed to the guest during the booking process.ObjectNo
Language/@CodeLanguage code with optional culture code.StringNo
Language/@NameName of the language.StringNo


  "reservations": [{
      "Language": {
          "Code": "nl-NL",
          "Name": "Dutch"


Booking Policy - AllowPay

Allow pay indicates if the booking policy supports paying for the reservation at the time of booking if using the SynXis Booking Engine.

Note: Payment processing must be configured for the hotel.

BookingPolicy/@AllowPayIf true, guests can opt to pay for the reservation at the time of booking. A payment gateway must be enabled to utilize this functionality.BooleanNo


  "reservations": [{
      "BookingPolicy": {
          "Code": "GUA",
          "Description": "A valid credit card is required to guarantee the reservation.",
          "TransactionFeeDisclaimer": "Please indicate you agree with our Privacy Policy.",
          "DepositFee": {
              "Amount": 40,
              "DueDays": 0,
              "DueType": "AtTimeOfBooking",
              "TaxInclusive": false,
              "IsPrePayment": false,
              "Type": "LocalCurrency"
          "GuaranteeLevel": "Deposit",
          "HoldTime": "0",
          "Requirements": [
          "AllowPay": false


CancelPolicy - Charge Details

A new Charges object containg charge details is included in both the reservation and package CancelPolicy object.

  • reservations/CancelPolicy/Charges/*
  • reservations/Packages/CancelPolicy/Charges/*
CancelPolicy/Charges/@DaysToArriveNumber of days before arrival that a guest can cancel a reservation.IntegerNo
CancelPolicy/Charges/@CancelFeeIncludesTaxIf true, indicates that the cancel fee includes tax.BooleanNo
CancelPolicy/Charges/@CancelFeeAmountAmount of the cancel fee.NumberNo


  "reservations": [{
      "CancelPolicy": {
          "Code": "1D",
          "Description": "Booking must be cancelled 1D prior to arrival local time to avoid charges",
          "CancellationPermitted": true,
          "LateCancellationPermitted": true,
          "CancelFeeAmount": {
              "Value": 90,
              "TaxInclusive": true
          "CancelFeeType": "None",
          "CancelPenaltyDate": "2023-08-25T00:00:00",
          "CancelTime": "0",
          "CancelTimeIn": "2",
          "Charges": {
              "DaysToArrive": 3,
              "CancelFeeIncludesTax": false,
              "CancelFeeAmount": 50
          "ChargeThreshold": "2",
          "ChargeType": "ChargeWithinDays",
          "ModificationRestrictions": "ANGDS",
          "NoShowFeeAmount": {
              "Value": 150,
              "TaxInclusive": true
          "NoShowFeeType": "NumberNightsOfStay"



Currency - Name and Symbol

The booking currency name and symbol are now included under the Currency object.

Currency/@NameName of the currency.StringNo
Currency/@SymbolSymbol of the currency.StringNo


  "reservations": [{
      "Currency": {
          "Code": "USD",
          "Name": "US Dollars",
          "Symbol": "$"


Discounts - Distinguish between room and package discount amounts

Discounts are now further identified as the amount applying to a room and and the amount applying to a package.

Discounts/@AppliedRoomAdjustmentAmountDiscount amount applied to the room.NumberNo
Discounts/@AppliedPackageAdjustmentAmountDiscount amount applied to a package.NumberNo


  "reservations": [{
      "Discounts": [{
          "CouponOffer": {
          "AdjustmentAmount": 10,
          "AdjustmentPercentage": 10,
          "AppliedAmount": 10,
          "AppliedPercentage": 10,
          "AppliedRoomAdjustmentAmount": 10,
          "AppliedPackageAdjustmentAmount": 25,
          "Order": 10,
          "Type": "Coupon"


Guests - additional data fields supported

The Guest object now supports additional information.

Guest Information Help Page

Guests/ContactNumbers/@CodeCode associated to a contact number.StringNo
Guests/ContactNumbers/@SortOrderSort order of the contact numbers.IntegerNo
Guests/@DenyChargeToRoomIf true, indicates a guest wants to deny posting charges to the room. Guest cannot have a payment method associated and cannot be a share-with reservation.BooleanNo
Guests/EmailAddress@DefaultIf true, indicates the default email address of the guest.BooleanNo
Guests/Locations/Address/Country/@ValueName of the country.StringNo
Guests/Locations/Address/StateProv/@ValueName of the state or province.StringNo
Guests/PersonName/@PreferredGivenNameSpecifies the preferred Given/First name of a guest.StringNo
Guests/PersonName/@PreferredSurnameSpecifies the preferred Surname/Lastname of a guest.StringNo


  "reservations": [{
      "Guests": [{
          "StartDate": "2023-08-29T00:00:00",
          "EndDate": "2023-08-31T00:00:00",
          "EmailAddress": [{
              "Default": true,
              "Type": "Primary",
              "Value": ""
          "ContactNumbers": [{
              "Code": "719",
              "Default": true,
              "Number": "555-1234",
              "Role": "Home",
              "SortOrder": 0,
              "Type": "Mobile",
              "Use": "DayTimeContact"
          "DenyChargeToRoom": false,
          "Locations": [{
              "Address": {
                  "AddressLine": [
                      "123 Main St."
                  "City": "Denver",
                  "Country": {
                      "Code": "US",
                      "Value": "United States"
                  "Default": true,
                  "PostalCode": "70045",
                  "StateProv": {
                      "Code": "CO",
                      "Value": "Colorado"
                  "Type": "Home"
              "Name": "My Home Address"
          "PersonName": {
              "GivenName": "John",
              "MiddleName": "A",
              "Prefix": "Mr.",
              "Suffix": "Jr.",
              "Surname": "Public",
              "PreferredGivenName": "James",
              "PreferredSurname": "Smith"


Price - Added ability to indicate which taxes and fees are payable at the time of booking or at the hotel property.

Hoteliers are now able to specify if certain taxes and fees are payable at the time of booking or at the property.

The Price object supports these additional attributes.

Price/@AmountPayAtPropertyApplicable total amount payable at the hotel excluding payable now amount.NumberNo
Price/@AmountPayableNowApplicable total amount (due at confirmation) excluding any payable at the hotel amount.NumberNo


Located in the following GET Reservation response locations:

  • Packages/Price/
  • Packages/BookedDays/Price/
  • Packages/BookedDays/GuestCount/Price/
  • Packages/GuestCount/Price/
  • RoomPrices/AveragePrice/Price/
  • RoomPrices/PriceBreakdowns/ProductPrices/Price/
  • RoomPrices/TotalPrice/Price/


The Tax and Fees Breakdown object supports these additional attributes.

Breakdown/@CodeCode of the fee or tax.StringNo
Breakdown/@DescriptionDescriptive content about the fee or tax.StringNo
Breakdown/@LevelIndicates the level of the fee or tax.StringNo
Breakdown/@IsPayAtPropertyIf true, indicates the amount is payable at the hotel.BooleanNo


Located in the following GET Reservation response locations:

  • Packages/Price/Fees/Breakdown/
  • Packages/BookedDays/Price/Fees/Breakdown/
  • Packages/BookedDays/GuestCount/Price/Fees/Breakdown/
  • Packages/GuestCount/Price/Fees/Breakdown/
  • Packages/Price/Tax/Breakdown/
  • Packages/BookedDays/Price/Tax/Breakdown/
  • Packages/BookedDays/GuestCount/Price/Tax/Breakdown/
  • Packages/GuestCount/Price/Tax/Breakdown/
  • RoomPrices/AveragePrice/Price/Fees/Breakdown
  • RoomPrices/AveragePrice/Price/Tax/Breakdown
  • RoomPrices/PriceBreakdowns/ProductPrices/Price/Fees/Breakdown/
  • RoomPrices/PriceBreakdowns/ProductPrices/Price/Tax/Breakdown/
  • RoomPrices/TotalPrice/Price/Fees/Breakdown/
  • RoomPrices/TotalPrice/Price/Tax/Breakdown/


Rates - Effective and Expire dates

GET Reservation response now support the Effective and Expiration dates for a rate.

Rates/@EffectiveDateEffective date of the rate.StringNo
Rates/@ExpireDateExpiration date of the rate.StringNo


  "reservations": [{
      "Content": {
          "Rates": [{
              "CategoryCode": "NEG",
              "Code": "SCN2",
              "CurrencyCode": "USD",
              "Description": "Rate includes breakfast",
              "DetailedDescription": "Rate inclusive of breakfast and late checkout.",
              "DisplayName": "string",
              "EffectiveDate": "2022-08-10T00:00:00",
              "ExpireDate": "2022-08-10T00:00:00",
              "Name": "Negotiated Rate",
              "Primary": true,
              "Type": "Negotiated"


Reservation Summary - New Operations

Two new operations return reservation summary counts for the hotel and given date. The only difference between the operations is that one retrieves the data from a cache and the other resets the cache then retrieves the data.

  • GET /reservation/misc/summary
    • The results are stored in a cache and will be retrieved from the cache in subsequent calls. The cache will automatically get updated when any of the data in the message changes.
  • GET /reservation/misc/summary-reset
    • Refresh the reservation summary counts cache data for the hotel and given date.

The summary information includes Counts and Revenue of reservations.


  • Arrivals
  • Departures
  • Stay Overs
  • Cancels
  • Day Use


  • Arrivals
  • Departures
  • Day Use
  • In House


Sample Response

    "Source": "RealTime",
    "Count": [{
        "Arrive": 30,
        "Depart": 40,
        "StayOver": 1,
        "Cancel": 2,
        "DayUse": 5,
        "Type": "AllReservations"
    "LastRefreshDateTime": "2022-07-05T10:24:43",
    "Revenue": [{
        "Arrive": 4600,
        "Depart": 3400,
        "DayUse": 500,
        "InHouse": 4000,
        "Type": "AllReservations"


Release 10.23 | July 8, 2021 | Release Version 1.0


Alternate email addresses

Added capability to send reservation emails to additional recipients. By default, the guest will receive reservation emails. Including @AdditionalEmailAddress, the system will send reservation emails to additional recipients.

Help Page 

Notification/@AdditionalEmailAddressAdditional Recipient email address used to send any notifications.[String]No
  "Notification": {
    "SendGuestEmail": true,
    "FromEmailAddress": "",
    "AdditionalEmailAddresses": ["", ""]


Taxes and Fees paid using Loyalty Points

Hoteliers are now able to specify if certain taxes and fees can be paid using points as a currency for a redemption product.

Points are now supported in the following GET Reservation response locations:

  • RoomPrices/AveragePrice/Price/Fees/Points
  • RoomPrices/AveragePrice/Price/Fees/Breakdown/Points
  • RoomPrices/AveragePrice/Price/Fees/StayFeePoints
  • RoomPrices/AveragePrice/Price/Tax/Points
  • RoomPrices/AveragePrice/Price/Tax/Breakdown/Points
  • RoomPrices/AveragePrice/Price/Tax/StayTaxPoints
  • RoomPrices/ExemptedTaxTypes/Points
  • RoomPrices/ExemptedTaxTypes/Breakdown/Points
  • RoomPrices/PriceBreakdowns/ProductPrices/Price/Fees/Points
  • RoomPrices/PriceBreakdowns/ProductPrices/Price/Fees/Breakdown/Points
  • RoomPrices/PriceBreakdowns/ProductPrices/Price/Fees/StayFeePoints
  • RoomPrices/PriceBreakdowns/ProductPrices/Price/Tax/Points
  • RoomPrices/PriceBreakdowns/ProductPrices/Price/Tax/Breakdown/Points
  • RoomPrices/PriceBreakdowns/ProductPrices/Price/Tax/StayTaxPoints
  • RoomPrices/TotalPrice/Price/Fees/Points
  • RoomPrices/TotalPrice/Price/Fees/Breakdown/Points
  • RoomPrices/TotalPrice/Price/Fees/StayFeePoints
  • RoomPrices/TotalPrice/Price/Tax/Points
  • RoomPrices/TotalPrice/Price/Tax/Breakdown/Points
  • RoomPrices/TotalPrice/Price/Tax/StayTaxPoints
  • Packages/Price/Fees/Points
  • Packages/Price/Fees/Breakdown/Points
  • Packages/Price/Fees/StayFeePoints
  • Packages/Price/Tax/Points
  • Packages/Price/Tax/Breakdown/Points
  • Packages/Price/Tax/StayTaxPoints
  • Packages/BookedDays/GuestCount/Price/Fees/Points
  • Packages/BookedDays/GuestCount/Price/Fees/Breakdown/Points
  • Packages/BookedDays/GuestCount/Price/Fees/StayFeePoints
  • Packages/BookedDays/GuestCount/Price/Tax/Points
  • Packages/BookedDays/GuestCount/Price/Tax/Breakdown/Points
  • Packages/BookedDays/GuestCount/Price/Tax/StayTaxPoints
  • Packages/BookedDays/Price/Fees/Points
  • Packages/BookedDays/Price/Fees/Breakdown/Points
  • Packages/BookedDays/Price/Fees/StayFeePoints
  • Packages/BookedDays/Price/Tax/Points
  • Packages/BookedDays/Price/Tax/Breakdown/Points
  • Packages/BookedDays/Price/Tax/StayTaxPoints
  • Packages/GuestCount/Price/Fees/Points
  • Packages/GuestCount/Price/Fees/Breakdown/Points
  • Packages/GuestCount/Price/Fees/StayFeePoints
  • Packages/GuestCount/Price/Tax/Points
  • Packages/GuestCount/Price/Tax/Breakdown/Points
  • Packages/GuestCount/Price/Tax/StayTaxPoints