ARI Sync - Hurdle (OTA) SOAP API 10.21 The ARI Sync - Hurdle (OTA) is used to set the status for an inventory block, a rate plan, or an inventory code. The ARI Sync - Hurdle (OTA) is used to set the status for an inventory block, a rate plan, or an inventory code. Property Connect Open Travel Alliance Hurdles PMS Integration
Query Coupons REST API Returns a list of active hotel or chain level single and multi-use coupon configurations. Returns a list of active hotel or chain level single and multi-use coupon configurations. Commerce Coupons Booking Solutions
SynXis Property Hub - Folio Api REST API 1.0 The Folio Integration API provides the ability to perform various operations on reservation and hotel accounting folios. These operations include the ability to query or post folio transactions, query or modify payment methods and many more. The Folio Integration API provides the ability to perform various operations on reservation and hotel accounting folios. These operations include the ability to query or post folio transactions, query or modify payment methods and many more. SynXis Property Hub Folio PMS Integration