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Request Translated Content

Translated Content

The hotel name and other descriptive information in the response may be translated into multiple languages by booking channel. To access translated content, a language code with an optional culture code adhering to ISO-639 is passed in the http header using @Accept-Language and a Primary Channel using the query parameter @primaryChannel.

If an exact match isn't found in the system based on the language and culture code, then only the language code is used. If content doesn’t exist in the requested language or isn't supported by the system then the default language English (en) is used.

Example: If fr-CA (French-Canada) is passed in the request, then fr-CA is checked first to see if that language-culture code is supported. If fr-CA is not supported, then fr is used. If fr is not supported, then English (en) is returned.

Note: This is a Header Parameter.

Accept-LanguageLanguage code with optional culture code use to request content in specified language (i.e. en-US).String