- Reservation Services
- Create Reservation
- Use Cases
Use Cases
The required information is to create a reservation is:
- Chain
- Hotel
- Product (Room and Rate)
- Stay Dates
- Booking Channel
- Number of Guests
- Number of Rooms
- Status
Some statuses might require extra information, namely
- Confirmed reservation requires a primary guest and/or a guarantee if the policy requires one.
Additional detailed information can also be added to the reservation including:
- Alerts to attach custom alerts set up by the hotel (that do not get attach automatically to the reservation).
- Brand to indicate the booking brand that captured the booking
- Coupon Offers
- Guests
- Loyalty Membership Information
- Overrides
- Packages / Non-Room products
- Market source
- Market segment
- Company
- Booker profile
- Language
- Itinerary
- ChargeRoutingList
- Transportation