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Billing Location

Billing Location allows a guest the option to enter a billing address (independent of the guest's billing address) and include a VAT Identification Number if desired.

The Billing Location information is visible in the SynXis CR on the Reservation Details page, SynXis Voice Agent, and email confirmations.

In order to use this functionality, Enable VAT Billing Address must be configured by the hotel on the Administration > Hotel > Hotel Maintenance page in the SynXis CR.

Note: This is not the guest's billing address.


IdVAT Identification Number.StringNo
BusinessNameBusiness name of the location.StringNo
EmailAddressEmail address associated with the billing address.StringNo
ContactNumbers/@TypeIdentifies the type of the number. 
Values: Fax, Voice
ContactNumbers/@NumberContact Number.StringNo
Address/@AddressLineAddress information associated with a location.[String]No
Address/@CityCity associated with a location.StringNo
Address/Country/@CodeThe ISO 1366-1 country code associated with a location.StringNo
Address/@PostalCodePostal code associated with a location.StringNo
Address/@StateProvCode of a state or province associated with a location.StringNo


Sample Request (Partial)

    "BillingLocations": [
            "Id": "VAT1234567",
            "EmailAddress": "",
            "BusinessName": "AutoShop",
            "Address": {
                "AddressLine": [
                    "123 Main St",
                    "Add Line 2",
                    "Add Line 3"
                "City": "London",
                "Country": {
                    "Code": "UK"
                "PostalCode": "SE1 9PD"
            "ContactNumberList": [
                    "Number": "555-123-4567",
                    "Type": "Voice1"
                    "Number": "555-123-9876",
                    "Type": "Fax"


Sample Request (Complete)

    "BillingLocations": [
            "Id": "VAT1234567",
            "EmailAddress": "",
            "BusinessName": "AutoShop",
            "Address": {
                "AddressLine": [
                    "123 Main St",
                    "Add Line 2",
                    "Add Line 3"
                "City": "London",
                "Country": {
                    "Code": "UK"
                "PostalCode": "SE1 9PD"
            "ContactNumberList": [
                    "Number": "555-123-4567",
                    "Type": "Voice1"
                    "Number": "555-123-9876",
                    "Type": "Fax"
    "Chain": {
        "Id": 14161022
    "Channels": {
        "PrimaryChannel": {
            "Code": "WEB"
        "SecondaryChannel": {
            "Code": "SYNXISWS_BE"
    "Hotel": {
        "Id": 100319
    "Guests": [
            "PersonName": {
                "GivenName": "John",
                "Surname": "Public"
            "Payments": [
                    "PaymentCard": {
                        "CardCode": "VI",
                        "CardHolder": "John Public",
                        "CardNumber": "444444444444444",
                        "CardSecurityCode": "123",
                        "ExpireDate": "1225"
                    "Type": "CreditCard"
            "ContactNumbers": [
                    "Number": "555-123-2717"
            "EmailAddress": [
                    "Value": ""
    "RoomStay": {
        "StartDate": "2023-06-07",
        "EndDate": "2023-06-08",
        "GuestCount": [
                "AgeQualifyingCode": "Adult",
                "NumGuests": 1
        "NumRooms": 1,
        "Products": [
                "Product": {
                    "RateCode": "BAR",
                    "RoomCode": "LUXQ"
    "status": "Confirmed"