Credit Card
Credit card information may be required based on the hotel setting in SynXis CR.
Supported Credit Cards Types
Payment Type | Code |
American Express | AX |
Carte Blanche | CB |
China Union Pay | UP |
Diners Club | DN |
Discover Card | DS |
Euro Card | EC |
Forbrugsforeningskort | FB |
Japanese Credit Bureau Credit Card | JC |
Maestro | SW |
Master Card | MC |
Visa | VI |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
Guests/Payments/@Role | Specifies the role of a payment method. Values: Alternate, Business, Personal, Primary, Secondary | String | No |
Guests/Payments/@Type | Specifies the type of a payment method. Values: CreditCard | String | No |
PaymentCard/@CardCode | Code of a credit card. | String | No |
PaymentCard/@CardHolder | Specifies who is the card holder. | String | No |
PaymentCard/@CardNumber | Number of a credit card. | Integer | No |
PaymentCard/@CardSecurityCode | Security code of a credit card. | Integer | No |
PaymentCard/@ExpireDate | Expiration date of a credit card (MMYY). | Integer | No |
PaymentCard/@Token | Token number associated with the card. Response Parameter Only | String | No |
Sample Request (Partial)
"Guests": [{
"Payments": [{
"Role": "Primary",
"Type": "CreditCard",
"PaymentCard": {
"CardCode": "VI",
"CardHolder": "Larry Walker",
"CardName": "Visa",
"CardNumber": "4444444444444444",
"CardSecurityCode": "123",
"CompanyName": "Sabre",
"ExpireDate": "1225"