What is it?
Use this set of APIs to create, update, delete and retrieve tax information for a specified hotel in SynXis.
Why use it?
The API can be used to:
- Create, Update, and Delete taxes in SynXis CR from a secondary system
- Validate Taxes loaded in the SynXis CR match a secondary system
- Export and import taxes to/from a different system
How to use
Retrieve a list of Taxes for a specified hotel
[GET] /admin/hotels/13098/taxes
"taxes": [{
"code": "City1-10",
"name": "City Tax 1-10 Nights",
"description": "City Tax 1-10 Nights",
"level": "HotelTax",
"applyToFreeNights": false,
"inclusive": true,
"taxType": "VAT_GST_Tax",
"chargeType": "Flat",
"chargeFrequency": "PerStay",
"validity": {
"startDate": "2008-02-27T00:00:00",
"endDate": "2027-09-29T00:00:00"
"amount": {
"unitType": "Amount",
"value": 20.0
}, {
"code": "City11",
"name": "City Tax 11+",
"description": "City Tax 11+",
"level": "HotelTax",
"applyToFreeNights": false,
"inclusive": true,
"taxType": "CityTax",
"chargeType": "Flat",
"chargeFrequency": "PerNight",
"validity": {
"startDate": "2018-03-06T00:00:00",
"endDate": "2027-09-29T00:00:00"
"amount": {
"unitType": "Percent",
"value": 4.50
"pagination": {
"total": 2,
"start": 0,
"size": 2
Retrieve Tax information for a specified tax code
[GET] /admin/hotels/13098/taxes/City11
"code": "City11",
"name": "City Tax 11",
"description": "City Tax 11",
"level": "HotelTax",
"applyToFreeNights": false,
"inclusive": true,
"taxType": "CityTax",
"chargeType": "Flat",
"chargeFrequency": "PerNight",
"validity": {
"startDate": "2018-03-06T00:00:00",
"endDate": "2027-09-29T00:00:00"
"amount": {
"unitType": "Percent",
"value": 4.50
Create a new tax
[POST] /admin/tax
"Criteria": {
"code": "CCITY10",
"Hotel": {
"id": 13098
"CreateTaxHeader": {
"name": "City tax or fee 1-10 nights",
"description": "City tax or fee that applies to stays between 1 and 10 nights",
"level": "HotelTax",
"taxType": "CityTax",
"startDate": "2022-08-01",
"endDate": "2022-12-31",
"amount": 89.07,
"amountFactorType": "Amount"
Update an existing tax
[PATCH] /admin/tax
"Criteria": {
"code": "CCITY10",
"Hotel": {
"id": 13098
"Amount": {
"amount": 99.99,
"amountFactorType": "Amount"
Delete a tax
[DELETE] /admin/tax/cancel
"Criteria": {
"code": "CCITY10",
"Hotel": {
"id": 13098