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Guest Information

Include information about the primary guest staying in the room and optionally for additional guests.

Guests/CitizenshipsContains Citizenship information of the guest.ObjectNo
Guests/Citizenships/@CountryCodeThe ISO 1366-1 country code.StringNo
Guests/Citizenships/@PrimaryIf true, indicates the CountryName associated with citizenship is primary.BooleanNo
Guests/@CommentsSpecifies comments for the guest. Visible in the SynXis Voice Agent application.StringNo
Guests/ContactNumbersContains contact information of the guest.ObjectNo
Guests/ContactNumbers/@CodeCode associated to a contact number.StringNo
Guests/ContactNumbers/@DefaultIf true, indicates the default contact number for the guest.BooleanNo
Guests/ContactNumbers/@NumberA contact number through which a guest can be reached.StringNo
Guests/ContactNumbers/@RoleSpecifies the role of a contact number. 
Values: Unknown, Home, or Office
Guests/ContactNumbers/@SortOrderSort order of the contact numbers.IntegerNo
Guests/ContactNumbers/@TypeSpecifies the type of a contact number. 
Values: Unknown, Voice, Fax, Mobile, Voice1, or Voice2
Guests/ContactNumbers/@UseSpecifies the time of day to use for the contact number. 
Values: Unknown, DayTimeContact, EveningContact, or AnytimeContact
Guests/@DateOfBirthGuest date of birth.String ($date)No
Guests/@DenyChargeToRoomIf true, indicates a guest wants to deny posting charges to the room. Guest cannot have a payment method associated and cannot be a share-with reservation.BooleanNo
Guests/EmailAddressContains email address information of the guest.ObjectNo
Guests/EmailAddress@DefaultIf true, indicates the default email address of the guest.BooleanNo
Guests/EmailAddress@TypeType of email address. 
Values: Primary or Mobile
Guests/EmailAddress@ValueEmail address of the guest.StringNo
Guests/@GenderSpecifies the gender of a guest. 
Values: Male, Female or Unspecified
Guests/LocationsContains location information of the guest.ObjectNo
Guests/Locations/Address/@AddressLineStreet-related information associated with an address.[String]No
Guests/Locations/Address/@CityCity associated with an address.StringNo
Guests/Locations/Address/@DefaultIf true, indicates the default address for the guest.BooleanNo
Guests/Locations/Address/@PostalCodePostal code associated with an address.StringNo
Guests/Locations/Address/@TypeSpecifies the type of address. 
Values: Home, Billing, BillingTax, Business, Chain, Collection, Contact, CreditCard, Delivery, Deposit, Hotel, Mailing, OtherUse, Permanent, Physical, PreOpeningOffice
Guests/Locations/Address/Business/@NameName of a business associated with an address.StringNo
Guests/Locations/Address/Business/@UnitBusiness unit associated with an address.StringNo
Guests/Locations/Address/Country/@CodeThe ISO 1366-1 country code associated with an address.StringNo
Guests/Locations/Address/Country/@ValueName of the country.StringNo
Guests/Locations/Address/StateProv/@CodeCode of a state or province associated with an address.StringNo
Guests/Locations/Address/StateProv/@ValueName of the state or province.StringNo
Guests/Locations/@NameName of the location (i.e. Home, Business).StringNo
Guests/@MarketingOptInIf true, indicates that a guest has agreed to receive promotional messages.BooleanNo
Guests/PersonNameContains Name information of the guest.ObjectNo
Guests/PersonName@GivenNameSpecifies the Given/First name of a guest.StringNo
Guests/PersonName@MiddleNameSpecifies a middle initial of a guest (maximum of 2 characters).StringNo
Guests/PersonName@PreferredGivenNameSpecifies the preferred Given/First name of a guest.StringNo
Guests/PersonName@PreferredSurnameSpecifies the preferred Surname/Lastname of the guest.StringNo
Guests/PersonName@PrefixSpecifies a prefix associated with the name of a guest.StringNo
Guests/PersonName@SuffixSpecifies a suffix associated with the name of a guest.StringNo
Guests/PersonName@SurNameSpecifies the Surname/Lastname of the guest.StringNo
Guests@RoleRole of the Guest 
Values: Primary or Additional
Guests/SpokenLanguagesContains information about the languages spoken by the guest.ObjectNo
Guests/SpokenLanguages/@CodeLanguage code spoken by the guest. Visible in the SynXis Voice Agent application.StringNo
Guests/SpokenLanguages/@DefaultIf true, indicates the language associated with the code is the default language for the guest.BooleanNo
Guests/@StartDateDefines check in date for a guest.String (date)No
Guests/@EndDateDefines check out date for a guest.String (date)No
Guests/TravelDocumentsContains travel documentation information of the guest.ObjectNo
Guests/TravelDocuments/@HolderNameName of the travel document owner.StringNo
Guests/TravelDocuments/@IssuingAuthorityThe office which issued a travel document.StringNo
Guests/TravelDocuments/@NumberThe number associated with a travel document. 
Values: Not visible in SynXis CR but is available for delivery to 3rd party or PMS.
Guests/TravelDocuments/@PlaceOfIssueThe place where a travel document was issued.StringNo
Guests/TravelDocuments/@TypeType of a travel document used by a guest to confirm their identity. 
Values: AlienRegistrationNumber, CpfTaxNumber, DriversLicense, InsurancePolicyNumber, MilitaryIdentification, NationalIdentityDocument, Passport, TaxExemptionNumber, VaccinationCertificate, VehicleRegistrationorLicenseNumber, or Visa


Refer to the Payment Methods topic for details on Guest Payments.


Sample Request (Partial)

    "Guests": [{
        "Citizenships": [{
            "CountryCode": "US",
            "Primary": true
        "Comments": "This is a guest comment.",
        "ContactNumbers": [{
            "Code": "719",
            "Default": true,
            "Number": "555-2717",
            "Role": "Home",
            "SortOrder": 1,
            "Type": "Voice",
            "Use": "DayTimeContact"
        "DateOfBirth": "1985-05-18",
        "EmailAddress": [{
                "Type": "Primary",
                "Value": "",
                "Default": true
                "Type": "Mobile",
                "Value": "",
                "Default": false
        "Gender": "Male",
        "Locations": [{
            "Address": {
                "AddressLine": [
                    "123 Main St",
                    "Appt. 201"
                "City": "Denver",
                "Country": {
                    "Code": "US"
                "Default": true,
                "PostalCode": "80203",
                "StateProv": {
                    "Code": "CO"
                "Type": "Home"
            "Name": "Home Address"
        "MarketingOptIn": true,
        "Payments": [{
            "Amount": "50",
            "PaymentCard": {
                "CardCode": "VI",
                "CardHolder": "John Public",
                "CardNumber": "444444444444444",
                "CardSecurityCode": "123",
                "ExpireDate": "1225"
            "Type": "CreditCard"
        "PersonName": {
            "GivenName": "John",
            "MiddleName": "A",
            "Prefix": "Mr.",
            "Suffix": "Jr.",
            "Surname": "Public",
            "PreferredGivenName": "James",
            "PreferredSurname": "Smith"
        "Role": "Primary",
        "SpokenLanguages": [{
            "Code": "en",
            "Default": true
        "TravelDocuments": [{
            "Type": "MilitaryIdentification",
            "HolderName": "John Public",
            "Number": "2999-9285820-874",
            "IssuingAuthority": "DOJ",
            "PlaceOfIssue": "Houston, TX"


Sample Request (Complete)

    "Chain": {
        "Id": 14161022
    "Channels": {
        "PrimaryChannel": {
            "Code": "WEB"
        "SecondaryChannel": {
            "Code": "SYNXISWS_BE"
    "Hotel": {
        "Id": 100319
    "Guests": [
            "Citizenships": [
                    "CountryCode": "US",
                    "Primary": true
            "Comments": "This is a guest comment.",
            "ContactNumbers": [
                    "Code": "719",
                    "Default": true,
                    "Number": "555-2717",
                    "Role": "Home",
                    "SortOrder": 1,
                    "Type": "Voice",
                    "Use": "DayTimeContact"
            "DateOfBirth": "1985-05-18",
            "EmailAddress": [
                    "Type": "Primary",
                    "Value": "",
                    "Default": true
                    "Type": "Mobile",
                    "Value": "",
                    "Default": false
            "Gender": "Male",
            "Locations": [
                    "Address": {
                        "AddressLine": [
                            "123 Main St",
                            "Appt. 201"
                        "City": "Denver",
                        "Country": {
                            "Code": "US"
                        "Default": true,
                        "PostalCode": "80203",
                        "StateProv": {
                            "Code": "CO"
                        "Type": "Home"
                    "Name": "Home Address"
            "MarketingOptIn": true,
            "Payments": [
                    "Amount": "50",
                    "PaymentCard": {
                        "CardCode": "VI",
                        "CardHolder": "John Public",
                        "CardNumber": "444444444444444",
                        "CardSecurityCode": "123",
                        "ExpireDate": "1225"
                    "Type": "CreditCard"
            "PersonName": {
                "GivenName": "John",
                "MiddleName": "A",
                "Prefix": "Mr.",
                "Suffix": "Jr.",
                "Surname": "Public",
                "PreferredGivenName": "James",
                "PreferredSurname": "Smith"
            "Role": "Primary",
            "SpokenLanguages": [
                    "Code": "en",
                    "Default": true
            "TravelDocuments": [
                    "Type": "MilitaryIdentification",
                    "HolderName": "John Public",
                    "Number": "2999-9285820-874",
                    "IssuingAuthority": "DOJ",
                    "PlaceOfIssue": "Houston, TX"
    "RoomStay": {
        "StartDate": "2023-06-07",
        "EndDate": "2023-06-08",
        "GuestCount": [
                "AgeQualifyingCode": "Adult",
                "NumGuests": 1
        "NumRooms": 1,
        "Products": [
                "Product": {
                    "RateCode": "BAR",
                    "RoomCode": "LUXQ"
    "status": "Confirmed"