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The Notification node is used to communicate email preferences and reservation comments.

NotificationContains information about emails and comments.ObjectNo
@SendBookerEmailIf true, indicates a notification email must be sent to a booker associated with the reservation.BooleanNo
@SendGuestEmailIf true, indicates a notification email must be sent to the guest associated with the reservation. 
Default value is true.
@FromEmailAddressEmail address used to send any notifications.StringNo
@AdditionalEmailAddressesAdditional Recipient email address used to send any notifications.[String]No
@LanguageCodeLanguage code with an optional culture code to use in the email.StringNo
EmailTemplate/@CodeCode of email template.StringNo
EmailTemplate/@LevelLevel of email template. 
Values: Hotel, Chain
@PublicCommentPublic comment can be used to add miscellaneous information. The comment is visible in SynXis Booking Engine, SynXis Voice agent, SynXis CR, guest emails, and included in the reservation message to the PMS.StringNo
DeliveryComments@CommentDelivery Comment that is visible in SynXis Voice agent and guest emails.[String]No


    "Notification": {
        "AdditionalEmailAddresses": [
        "SendBookerEmail": false,
        "SendGuestEmail": true,
        "FromEmailAddress": "",
        "LanguageCode": "en-US",
        "EmailTemplate": {
            "Code": "NoPoints",
            "Level": "Hotel"
        "DeliveryComments": [
                "Comment": "This is a reservation Comment"
        "PublicComment": "Email comments for the guest."


Sample Request

    "Notification": {
        "AdditionalEmailAddresses": [
        "SendBookerEmail": false,
        "SendGuestEmail": true,
        "FromEmailAddress": "",
        "LanguageCode": "en-US",
        "EmailTemplate": {
            "Code": "NoPoints",
            "Level": "Hotel"
        "DeliveryComments": [
                "Comment": "This is a reservation Comment"
        "PublicComment": "Email comments for the guest."
    "Chain": {
        "Id": 14161022
    "Channels": {
        "PrimaryChannel": {
            "Code": "WEB"
        "SecondaryChannel": {
            "Code": "SYNXISWS_BE"
    "Hotel": {
        "Id": 100319
    "Guests": [
            "PersonName": {
                "GivenName": "John",
                "Surname": "Public"
            "Payments": [
                    "PaymentCard": {
                        "CardCode": "VI",
                        "CardHolder": "John Public",
                        "CardNumber": "444444444444444",
                        "CardSecurityCode": "123",
                        "ExpireDate": "1225"
                    "Type": "CreditCard"
            "ContactNumbers": [
                    "Number": "555-123-2717"
            "EmailAddress": [
                    "Value": ""
    "RoomStay": {
        "StartDate": "2023-06-07",
        "EndDate": "2023-06-08",
        "GuestCount": [
                "AgeQualifyingCode": "Adult",
                "NumGuests": 1
        "NumRooms": 1,
        "Products": [
                "Product": {
                    "RateCode": "BAR",
                    "RoomCode": "LUXQ"
    "status": "Confirmed"