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ARI Sync - Availability (HTNG)

Property Connect
Stay Restrictions
Data Migration
PMS Integration
RMS Integration

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Availability is used to update Stay Restrictions to the SynXis CR. This message is used to communicate updates to: Hotel, Room, Rate, Product, Rate Category, Sell Limit, Sell Threshold and Open/Close stay restrictions.

Target Audience
Data Migration
PMS Integration
RMS Integration
API Version
Security Credentials
Service Action Code

The OTA_HotelAvailNotif message is used to communicate the following data:

  • Hotel level stay restrictions
  • Room type level stay restrictions
  • Rate type level stay restrictions
  • Product level (rate type/room type) stay restrictions
  • Rate Category level stay restrictions
  • Sell Limit stay restrictions
  • Sell Threshold stay restriction
  • Open/Close stay restrictions
  • Open/Close to Arrival stay restrictions
  • Open/Close to Departure stay restrictions
  • Minimum Length of Stay on Arrival stay restrictions
  • Maximum Length of Stay on Arrival stay restrictions
  • Minimum Length of Stay Thru stay restrictions
  • Maximum Length of Stay Thru stay restrictions
  • Open/Close to Arrival by Length of Stay restrictions
  • Hurdle Rates
  • Best Available Rates (BAR)
Sample Request
<OTA_HotelAvailNotifRQ xsi:schemaLocation=" OTA_HotelAvailNotifRQ.xsd" TimeStamp="2015-03-25T09:41:59.982" Version="3.000" MessageContentCode="6" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <AvailStatusMessages HotelCode="10001">
        <AvailStatusMessage BookingLimit="5" BookingLimitMessageType="SetLimit">
            <UniqueID Type="16" ID="1"/>
            <StatusApplicationControl Start="2015-06-01" End="2015-06-30" Mon="1" Tue="1" Weds="1" Thur="1" Fri="0" Sat="0" Sun="1"/>
            <RestrictionStatus Restriction="Master" Status="Open"/>
                <LengthOfStay MinMaxMessageType="SetMinLOS" Time="3" RateTimeUnit="Day"/>
                <LengthOfStay MinMaxMessageType="SetMaxLOS" Time="5" RateTimeUnit="Day"/>
                <LengthOfStay MinMaxMessageType="SetForwardMinStay" Time="2" RateTimeUnit="Day"/>
                <LengthOfStay MinMaxMessageType="SetForwardMaxStay" Time="7" RateTimeUnit="Day"/>
        <AvailStatusMessage BookingLimit="2" BookingLimitMessageType="SetLimit">
            <UniqueID Type="16" ID="2"/>
            <StatusApplicationControl Start="2015-06-01" End="2015-06-30" Mon="0" Tue="0" Weds="0" Thur="0" Fri="1" Sat="1" Sun="0"/>
            <RestrictionStatus Restriction="Master" Status="Open"/>
                <LengthOfStay MinMaxMessageType="SetMinLOS" Time="3" RateTimeUnit="Day"/>
                <LengthOfStay MinMaxMessageType="SetMaxLOS" Time="5" RateTimeUnit="Day"/>
                <LengthOfStay MinMaxMessageType="SetForwardMinStay" Time="2" RateTimeUnit="Day"/>
                <LengthOfStay MinMaxMessageType="SetForwardMaxStay" Time="7" RateTimeUnit="Day"/>
Sample Response
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:wsa="">
    <soap:Body />