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CRS Reservation Delivery (HTNG)

Property Connect
PMS Integration
Profile & Loyalty Management

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The CRS Reservation Delivery (HTNG) (OTA_HotelResNotifRQ) is used to communicate reservation data from SynXis CRS to a 3rd party system on behalf of a hotel (i.e. PMS, RMS, CRM, etc).

Target Audience
PMS Integration
Profile & Loyalty Management
API Version
Security Credentials
Service Action Code

The OTA_HotelResNotifRQ message will be used to communicate reservation data from SynXis CRS to a 3rd party system on behalf of a hotel (i.e. PMS, RMS, CRM, etc). Each reservation message will contain one reservation for a single hotel. Reservation download messages will only include multiple RatePlan elements if the system receiving the reservation message is configured in Control Center as supporting multiple rate plan reservations. Otherwise reservation download messages will be limited to one RatePlan element only.

The OTA_HotelResNotifRQ message will support the following reservation actions:

  • Create New reservation
  • Modify Existing Reservation
  • Cancel Existing Reservation

For CRS Reservation Delivery, the integration must support New reservations, Modify reservations and Cancel reservations with both positive and negative integration flow. This applies to a 1-Way or 2-Way interface.

Sample Request
<OTA_HotelResNotifRQ xsi:schemaLocation=" OTA_HotelResNotifRQ.xsd" Version="1.003" ResStatus="Commit" TimeStamp="2019-11-12T11:26:23" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
            <RequestorID Type="22" ID="Synxis"/>
            <BookingChannel Primary="true" Type="5">
                <CompanyName Code="SBE">HTML Booking Engine</CompanyName>
        <HotelReservation CreatorID="Synxis" CreateDateTime="2019-11-12T11:22:06" ResStatus="Reserved">
            <UniqueID Type="14" ID="10001SY000001"/>
                <RoomStay MarketCode="MKTSEG" SourceOfBusiness="MKTSRC">
                        <RatePlan RatePlanCode="RACK">
                            <RatePlanInclusions TaxInclusive="false"/>
                        <RoomRate RatePlanCategory="RACKCAT" RoomTypeCode="KING" NumberOfUnits="1" RatePlanCode="PMS Rate Code">
                                <Rate RateTimeUnit="Day" EffectiveDate="2019-01-12" ExpireDate="2019-01-15" UnitMultiplier="3">
                                    <Base CurrencyCode="USD" AmountBeforeTax="100.00">
                                        <Taxes Amount="10.00" CurrencyCode="USD"/>
                    <GuestCounts IsPerRoom="true">
                        <GuestCount AgeQualifyingCode="10" Count="2"/>
                        <GuestCount AgeQualifyingCode="8" Count="1"/>
                    <TimeSpan Start="2019-01-12" End="2019-01-15"/>
                    <Total CurrencyCode="USD" AmountBeforeTax="300.00">
                        <Taxes Amount="30.00" CurrencyCode="USD"/>
                    <BasicPropertyInfo HotelCode="10001" ChainCode="1111"/>
                        <ResGuestRPH RPH="1"/>
                        <BookingRule PriceViewable="true"/>
                <ResGuest ResGuestRPH="1" PrimaryIndicator="true">
                            <UniqueID Type="1" ID="10001C00001" ID_Context="crs">
                                <CompanyName CodeContext="chain" Code="1111"/>
                            <UniqueID Type="1" ID="5437980" ID_Context="crm">
                                <CompanyName CodeContext="chain" Code="1111"/>
                            <Profile ProfileType="1">
                                <Customer Birthdate="0001-01-01">
                                    <Telephone PhoneTechType="1" PhoneNumber="1115551212" FormattedInd="false" DefaultInd="true"/>
                                    <Telephone PhoneTechType="1" PhoneNumber="1115551213" FormattedInd="false" DefaultInd="false"/>
                                    <Telephone PhoneTechType="3" PhoneNumber="1115551214" FormattedInd="false" DefaultInd="false"/>
                                    <Telephone PhoneTechType="5" PhoneNumber="1115551215" FormattedInd="false" DefaultInd="false"/>
                                    <Address Type="2" Remark="Work address">
                                        <CompanyName>My Company</CompanyName>
                                        <AddressLine>123 Main St</AddressLine>
                                        <AddressLine>Suite 100</AddressLine>
                                        <AddressLine>Cubicle 5</AddressLine>
                                        <StateProv StateCode="MA"/>
                                        <CountryName Code="US"/>
                    <HotelReservationID ResID_Type="14" ResID_Value="10001SY000001" ResID_Source="CRS" ForGuest="true"/>
Sample Response
<OTA_HotelResNotifRS xsi:schemaLocation=" OTA_HotelResNotifRQ.xsd" Version="1.003" TimeStamp="2019-11-12T11:28:12" ResResponseType="Committed" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
            <UniqueID Type="14" ID="10001SY000001"/>
                    <HotelReservationID ResID_Type="10" ResID_Value="PMS000001" ResID_Source="PMS" ForGuest="true"/>
                    <HotelReservationID ResID_Type="14" ResID_Value="10001SY000001" ResID_Source="CRS" ForGuest="true"/>