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Loyalty Enrollment

Profile Management
Open Travel Alliance
Profile & Loyalty Management

The Loyalty Enrollment API now captures the following addition data elements: HotelCode, ChainCode, EnrollerId, UniqueID, ReservationID

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Loyalty - Enhance the Enrollment API to include more information (FEA82337)

The Loyalty Enrollment API captures more meta data related to how a guest enrolls in a chain’s loyalty program. This information can be used by a CRM provider for better tracking and reporting.

The OTA_LoyaltyAccountCreateRQ message includes the following elements:

  • /HotelCode = CRS Hotel ID for the hotel that originated the enrollment request
  • /ChainCode = CRS Chain ID for the chain that originated the enrollment request
  • /EnrollerID = Username for the user that initiated the enrollment request.
  • /UniqueID = 
    • ID = CRS Profile ID for the guest being enrolled.
    • ID_Context = "CRS"
  • /ReservationID
    • Type = "14" (CRS ID)
    • ID = CRS Confirmation number of the reservation associated with the enrollment

Message example:

<OTA_LoyaltyAccountCreateRQ Version="1.002" TimeStamp="2022-12-17T09:30:47-05:00" xmlns="">
	<AccountInfo EnrollmentMethod="1">
			<Telephone PhoneTechType="1" PhoneNumber="206-555-1255"/>
			<Address Type="1" Remark="Home address" DefaultInd="true">
				<AddressLine>1 Main St</AddressLine>
				<AddressLine>Suite 100</AddressLine>
				<AddressLine>Cubicle 10</AddressLine>
				<StateProv StateCode="WA"/>
				<CountryName Code="US"/>
			<Email DefaultInd="true"></Email>
				<EnrollmentDetails HotelCode="12345" ChainCode="10001" EnrollerID="TestUser">
					<UniqueID ID="21259GP060419001" ID_Context="CRS"/>
					<ReservationID Type="14" ID="10001SY000001"/>