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Allows the booking application to store information about the source of the reservation.


BookingURLContains the URL where the reservation request came from.StringNo
IP_AddressContains the IP Address of a person making the reservation.StringNo
Telephony/@VDNThe VDN used to create the reservation.StringNo


    "Source": {
        "IP_Address": "",
        "BookingURL": "",
        "Telephony": {
            "VDN": "VDN1234"


Sample Request

    "Source": {
        "IP_Address": "",
        "BookingURL": "",
        "Telephony": {
            "VDN": "VDN1234"
    "Chain": {
        "Id": 14161022
    "Channels": {
        "PrimaryChannel": {
            "Code": "WEB"
        "SecondaryChannel": {
            "Code": "SYNXISWS_BE"
    "Hotel": {
        "Id": 100319
    "Guests": [
            "PersonName": {
                "GivenName": "John",
                "Surname": "Public"
            "Payments": [
                    "PaymentCard": {
                        "CardCode": "VI",
                        "CardHolder": "John Public",
                        "CardNumber": "444444444444444",
                        "CardSecurityCode": "123",
                        "ExpireDate": "1225"
                    "Type": "CreditCard"
            "ContactNumbers": [
                    "Number": "555-123-2717"
            "EmailAddress": [
                    "Value": ""
    "RoomStay": {
        "StartDate": "2023-06-07",
        "EndDate": "2023-06-08",
        "GuestCount": [
                "AgeQualifyingCode": "Adult",
                "NumGuests": 1
        "NumRooms": 1,
        "Products": [
                "Product": {
                    "RateCode": "BAR",
                    "RoomCode": "LUXQ"
    "status": "Confirmed"