Cancel Reservation SOAP API 10.34 The CancelReservations method provides the ability to send reservation cancellation requests. The CancelReservations method provides the ability to send reservation cancellation requests. Channel Connect Reservations Booking Solutions OTA Integration
Cancel Reservation Notification SOAP API 10.34 The Cancel Reservations Notification method provides the ability to send cancellation notification requests. The Cancel Reservations Notification method provides the ability to send cancellation notification requests. Channel Connect Reservations Booking Solutions OTA Integration
Create Reservation SOAP API 10.34 The CreateReservations method provides the ability to send reservation requests to SynXis CR. The CreateReservations method provides the ability to send reservation requests to SynXis CR. Channel Connect Reservations Booking Solutions OTA Integration
Create Reservation Notification SOAP API 10.34 The Create Reservations Notification method is virtually identical to the Create Reservations method is used to include a confirmation number to identify the reservation, as well as the full details of the reservation. The Create Reservations Notification method is virtually identical to the Create Reservations method is used to include a confirmation number to identify the reservation, as well as the full details of the reservation. Channel Connect Reservations Booking Solutions OTA Integration
CRS Reservation Delivery (HTNG) SOAP API 10.34 The CRS Reservation Delivery (HTNG) (OTA_HotelResNotifRQ) is used to communicate reservation data from SynXis CRS to a 3rd party system on behalf of a hotel (i.e. PMS, RMS, CRM, etc). The CRS Reservation Delivery (HTNG) (OTA_HotelResNotifRQ) is used to communicate reservation data from SynXis CRS to a 3rd party system on behalf of a hotel (i.e. PMS, RMS, CRM, etc). Property Connect HTNG Reservations PMS Integration Profile & Loyalty Management
Data Warehouse Delivery - Reservations SOAP API 10.34 The Data Warehouse Reservation Delivery (OTA_HotelResNotifRQ) API is used to deliver a near-real-time feed of a chain's reservation transactions for use by a customer's data warehouse. The Data Warehouse Reservation Delivery (OTA_HotelResNotifRQ) API is used to deliver a near-real-time feed of a chain's reservation transactions for use by a customer's data warehouse. Data Warehouse Delivery Reservations Data Warehouse Integration
Hotel Availability REST API 10.32 The Hotel Availability API returns detailed availability and pricing information for a single hotel. The Hotel Availability API returns detailed availability and pricing information for a single hotel. Commerce Shopping Booking Solutions
Hotel Availability SOAP API 10.34 The Hotel Availability Request message provides the ability to search single or multiple properties for detailed availability and pricing information. The request is flexible allowing for multiple ways to search for hotels, filter the rates returned and specify the response type. The Hotel Availability Request message provides the ability to search single or multiple properties for detailed availability and pricing information. The request is flexible allowing for multiple ways to search for hotels, filter the rates returned and specify the response type. Channel Connect Shopping Booking Solutions OTA Integration
Hotel Content REST API 10.21 The Hotel Content APIs provide several different ways to search for a list of hotels and to retrieve associated static descriptive content. The Hotel Content APIs provide several different ways to search for a list of hotels and to retrieve associated static descriptive content. Commerce Hotel Descriptive Content Shopping Hotels Descriptions Booking Solutions
Lead Availability REST API 10.32 Returns a Lead Availability single price element over a date range or a Calendar Availability daily breakdown of price elements over the date range. Returns a Lead Availability single price element over a date range or a Calendar Availability daily breakdown of price elements over the date range. Commerce Shopping Booking Solutions
Modify Reservation SOAP API 10.34 The Modify Reservation (OTA_HotelResModifyRQ) is used to enable modifications of previously booked reservations. The Modify Reservation (OTA_HotelResModifyRQ) is used to enable modifications of previously booked reservations. Channel Connect Reservations Booking Solutions OTA Integration
Modify Reservation Notification SOAP API 10.34 The Modify Reservation Notification(OTA_HotelResModifyNotifRQ) is used to enable modifications of a previously booked reservations. The Modify Reservation Notification(OTA_HotelResModifyNotifRQ) is used to enable modifications of a previously booked reservations. Channel Connect Reservations Booking Solutions OTA Integration
PMS Reservation Sync (HTNG) SOAP API 10.33 The PMS Reservation Sync (HTNG) (OTA_HotelResNotifRQ) API is used to communicate reservation data from a PMS to SynXis CRS. The PMS Reservation Sync (HTNG) (OTA_HotelResNotifRQ) API is used to communicate reservation data from a PMS to SynXis CRS. Property Connect HTNG Reservations Data Migration PMS Integration
Read Reservation SOAP API 10.34 The Read Reservations method using the OTA_ReadRQ message enables reservation records to be retrieved from the system by passing identifying information. If an exact reservation match is not found or a list is requested, the OTA_HotelResRS message is returned with a list of reservations. The Read Reservations method using the OTA_ReadRQ message enables reservation records to be retrieved from the system by passing identifying information. If an exact reservation match is not found or a list is requested, the OTA_HotelResRS message is returned with a list of reservations. Channel Connect Reservations Booking Solutions OTA Integration
Reservation Pull - Cancel (OTA) SOAP API 10.21 Each reservation cancellation retrieved must be updated as a Success or Error in the SynXis CRS. The OTA_CancelRQ message is used to update only one retrieved reservation cancellation. Each reservation cancellation retrieved must be updated as a Success or Error in the SynXis CRS. The OTA_CancelRQ message is used to update only one retrieved reservation cancellation. Property Connect Open Travel Alliance Reservations PMS Integration
Reservation Pull - Modify (OTA) SOAP API 10.21 Each reservation modification retrieved must be updated as a Success or Error in the SynXis CRS. The OTA_HotelResModifyNotifRQ message is used to update one or more retrieved reservation modification and must include the SynXis CRS Confirmation Number. Each reservation modification retrieved must be updated as a Success or Error in the SynXis CRS. The OTA_HotelResModifyNotifRQ message is used to update one or more retrieved reservation modification and must include the SynXis CRS Confirmation Number. Property Connect Open Travel Alliance Reservations PMS Integration
Reservation Pull - New (OTA) SOAP API 10.21 Each new reservation retrieved must be updated as a Success or Error in the SynXis CR. The OTA_HotelResNotifRQ message is used to update one or more retrieved new reservations. Each new reservation retrieved must be updated as a Success or Error in the SynXis CR. The OTA_HotelResNotifRQ message is used to update one or more retrieved new reservations. Property Connect Open Travel Alliance Reservations PMS Integration
Reservation Pull - Retrieve (OTA) SOAP API 10.21 The OTA_HotelGetMsg is used to request reservations in the SynXis CRS and the response is used to return the pending reservations. The OTA_HotelGetMsg is used to request reservations in the SynXis CRS and the response is used to return the pending reservations. Property Connect Open Travel Alliance Reservations PMS Integration
Reservation Push - Cancel (OTA) SOAP API 10.21 The OTA_Cancel message will be used to communicate the cancellation of reservation data from SynXis CRS to a hotel. Each reservation message will contain one reservation for a single hotel. The OTA_Cancel message will be used to communicate the cancellation of reservation data from SynXis CRS to a hotel. Each reservation message will contain one reservation for a single hotel. Property Connect Open Travel Alliance Reservations PMS Integration
Reservation Push - Modify (OTA) SOAP API 10.34 The OTA_HotelResModifyNotif message will be used to communicate modifications to reservation data from SynXis CRS to a hotel. Each reservation message will contain one reservation for a single hotel. The OTA_HotelResModifyNotif message will be used to communicate modifications to reservation data from SynXis CRS to a hotel. Each reservation message will contain one reservation for a single hotel. Property Connect Open Travel Alliance Reservations PMS Integration
Reservation Push - New (OTA) SOAP API 10.34 The OTA_HotelResNotifRQ message will be used to communicate reservation data from SynXis CRS to a hotel. Each reservation message will contain one reservation for a single hotel. The OTA_HotelResNotifRQ message will be used to communicate reservation data from SynXis CRS to a hotel. Each reservation message will contain one reservation for a single hotel. Property Connect Open Travel Alliance Reservations PMS Integration
Reservation Services REST API 10.34 These APIs provide orchestrations relating to creating, modifying, canceling, retrieving, and back-office processing of hotel reservations. These APIs provide orchestrations relating to creating, modifying, canceling, retrieving, and back-office processing of hotel reservations. Commerce Reservations Booking Solutions
Reservation Utilities REST API 10.34 Utility services that support creating, modifying, canceling, retrieving, and back office processing of hotel reservations. Utility services that support creating, modifying, canceling, retrieving, and back office processing of hotel reservations. Commerce Reservations Utility Email Notifications Booking Solutions